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Kathy's Newsletters 

November 01, 2018

November 2018 Newsletter

Kathy's November class schedule and more

Hello everyone and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Also a reminder to turn your clocks BACK this Sunday!  


I only have a few class cancelations this month, you’ll see them listed below. Please note these on your calendar since I won’t be sending reminders about cancelled classes. You can find these cancelations on my website, FYI.



11-5    Mon 9:30a Weight Lifting

11-21  Wed 9:30a Weight Lifting 

11-21  Wed 6:00p Pilates Sculpt

11-22       T H A N K S G I V I N G

11-23  Fri 9:30p Weight Lifting

11-24  Sat 9:30a Yoga


I wanted to highlight an article I read titled:  Lift Weights, Eat More Protein, Especially If You’re Over 40 - this article outlines a study that was done to answer the simplest question of whether taking in more protein during weight training led to larger increases in muscle size and strength. And the answer was a resounding YES! Men and women who ate more protein while weight training did develop larger, stronger muscles than those who did not. So please join me for my weight lifting classes M/W/F at 9:30 and enjoy a high protein snack after and you’ll be stronger in no time!  Here’s the link if you want to read more:


 As we head into the month of Thanksgiving, I’d like to lift up the notion of GRATITUDE. We all have so many things to be thankful for, and what a great time of year to consider all the things you are grateful for and lift those things up in your heart and mind as well go thru the month of November (and beyond!) Just to give you a little more incentive, consider the health benefits of gratitude:


I’m certainly grateful for all my wonderful clients and friends and the support you give me every day. Thank you everyone!



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